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Alpha Beta Nu Omega 



Our Chapter

Alpha Beta Nu Omega, the fourth chapter to be chartered post-pandemic in the South Eastern Region was chartered on June 4, 2022, in Greene County, Alabama by South Eastern Regional Director, Mitzi Dease Paige. Members are from Greene County and the neighboring counties of Choctaw, Hale, Marengo, Perry, and Tuscaloosa. The charter members are Angel Beville, Mary Blackmon Braggs, Carolyn K. Branch, Karmelia Brown, Nerissa Cowan-Deramus, Pamela Dennis Marilynn Martin Edwards, Whitney Frost, Vonnetta Gracie, Dia D. Green, Precious Morgan Hallman, Altrice Harkness, Angela Harkness, Tonjanika Jackson, Leola Coats Jones, Katie Jones-Powell, Lillie Jones-Osborne, Geneva Jones-Watts, Paralee Williams Jones, Linda Little, Barbara H. Martin, Mildred J. Morgan, Marsha Ferrell Nottage, Latrice R. Phillips, and Rhinnie Scott.


Alpha Beta Nu Omega is comprised of twenty- five professional, hardworking women with varied backgrounds including education, healthcare, law, business, social work, and environmental science. As an interest group, members worked tirelessly throughout its service communities by partnering with local businesses, the school district, and other entities to provide numerous service projects. Chapter officers are Basileus, Katie Jones-Powell, Anti-Basileus, Carolyn K. Branch, Grammateus, Mildred J. Morgan, Epistoleus, Mary Braggs, Tamiouchos, Barbara H. Martin, Pecunious Grammateus, Latrice R. Phillips, Hodegos, Marilynn Martin Edwards, Philacter, Paralee Williams Jones, Parliamentarian, Precious Morgan Hallman, Ivy Leaf Reporter, Linda Little, Historian, Dia D. Green, and Chaplain, Vonnetta Gracie.


Members completed many activities in support of Alpha Kappa Alpha Excellence Program Targets. For Target 1: compiled an informational Guide of HBCUs located in Alabama, Tennessee, and Mississippi and distributed to Blackbelt high school libraries for student use in our member service areas, members donated to their favorite HBCU and hosted an HBCU Trivia Game Night. 

For Target 2: Women’s Health and Wellness, the members mailed out diabetes awareness kits and held a nutritious class. For Target 3: Building your Economic Legacy, the members hosted a financial literacy seminar with Regions Bank, distributed financial toolkits, local Black female entrepreneurs were highlighted on social media, and a directory of local black Female businesses was compiled. For Target 4: The Arts, members hosted “One

Book One Community” where two local artists presented their books via Zoom as the community participated in a discussion with the local authors, students prepared their own vision boards and learned to tie-dye t-shirts; For Target 5: Global Impact: members donated over 200 new and gently used shoes to Soles4 souls, activities were completed including PowerPoint presentations on the difference between a refugee and a migrant and a pre-recorded message from Pastor Ruth Kahawa about

orphaned refugees in Uganda, East Africa was highlighted. As a new chapter, it is our goal to be anchored in sisterhood and service. We are excited about the presence of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority in Greene County, Alabama, and the opportunity to provide endless service that will have a profound impact on families and our service communities. Our first project as a chapter is the distribution of over 200 pairs of eyeglasses to the Lion’s Club International this summer.


Women of Excellence, empowered by sisterhood transforming communities through service in Greene, Hale, Perry, Marengo, Choctaw, and Tuscaloosa counties.


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